Friday, August 22

Interview with Russian Naturist Alla

Russian bare nature...

Alla is a ten-year old Young Naturist who is a member of the Free Body Culture Society with her Nother, Elena and Grandmother, Margarita. Alla first visited the Clothes Optional Beach when she was four years old.

Russian bare people are often frank and I like to read their talkings...

Q: Alla, how long have you been a part of the Free Body Culture Society?

A: When I was four years old, my Granny took me to this beach. Then on the next year my Mummy came with us too.

Q: Do you have friends your age who are also a part of the Free Body Culture Society?

A: All of my girlfriends, except those in school, are from here. And I have friends of many different ages. There are several boys and girls who are 12-14 years old, They are also my friends.

Q: What is your favorite place to spend the day?

A: Of course here on the beach! But if the weather is bad or cold, then in the forest near the sandpit. In any case, we could do the bonfire and be warm. Our usual place in Winter is there too. I usually spend my time in Winter with my Granny.

Q: Isn’t the weather too cold for being naked?

A: We could make a bon-fire at any time. So we will be warm?

Q: Would you like for your future children to be a part of the Free Body Culture Society also?

A: Yes, I would like to allow my future children to be free to choose their own lifestyle. I would give them the opportunity to decide for themselves whether or not to be Naturists.

Q: Do you think Russian Naturism is different than Naturism in the rest of Europe and the U.S.?

A: Yes. The Western idea of Naturism is different from ours. It only deals with human nakedness. Our Naturism is first concerned with Nature and only then with nudity. Naturists from around the world look for places in which they could be nude with other people. In the Free Body Culture Society we try to make Nature healthier and people healthier. We try to help people to feel free so that they can spend their rime in joy. Our Naturism is not just concerned with the naked body.

Q: What would you tell other people who are afraid to be Naturists?

A: The people like this could be foolish or non-experienced people who are very shy about nudity. I do not like to be in contact with the first type of person because I like only clever people. However, if they are simply shy then I could say to them, “ Let us try this! See what I am doing and o the same! Let’s be together!” I prefer to allow them to decide whether or not to be Naturists, whether or not to use this wonderful freedom.

Q: What is the best and the worst part of being a Naturist?

A: The best thing in Naturism is the freedom to choose how to be and, of course, the Friendship!
The worst thing in Naturism is the insects, the flies and the mosquitoes. And the short Summer time here when we can enjoy the sun and Nature in the nude!


niko said...

hello my name is nicholas i am part of a groop that studies medaphisical guifts foresight, healing, empathy(the ability to sence and minipulate emotional energy) our highest law is to never breach the free will of others i would like to pen pall via emial with the members of the Free Body Culture Society my email is and my myspace url is please only those from the Free Body Culture Society contact me ... if it is ok i'd like to be contacted by alla and her mother/grandmother first and have them intraduce me to others i would like to learn more about your culture and find simolaritys between our groops ;-) ttyl "niko"

khawar said...

what would u give answer to god after death